The Flower Bouquet
Brighten up your day and garden with a bouquet of flowers all season long. Just head on out to your backyard and make up all kinds of bouquets! This kit provides a variety of colors, types, and sizes of flowers, perfect for brightening up any room!
This seed kit contains 5 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Orchid Cream Nasturtium
Johnny Jump Up
Blue Boy Cornflower
Celestial Morning Glory
Zulu Prince Daisy
Flare Salvia
Fireball Marigold
Giant White Moonflower
Giant Lime Zinnia
Velvet N’ Lace Dianthus
Brighten up your day and garden with a bouquet of flowers all season long. Just head on out to your backyard and make up all kinds of bouquets! This kit provides a variety of colors, types, and sizes of flowers, perfect for brightening up any room!
This seed kit contains 5 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Orchid Cream Nasturtium
Johnny Jump Up
Blue Boy Cornflower
Celestial Morning Glory
Zulu Prince Daisy
Flare Salvia
Fireball Marigold
Giant White Moonflower
Giant Lime Zinnia
Velvet N’ Lace Dianthus
Brighten up your day and garden with a bouquet of flowers all season long. Just head on out to your backyard and make up all kinds of bouquets! This kit provides a variety of colors, types, and sizes of flowers, perfect for brightening up any room!
This seed kit contains 5 seeds of each of the following varieties:
Orchid Cream Nasturtium
Johnny Jump Up
Blue Boy Cornflower
Celestial Morning Glory
Zulu Prince Daisy
Flare Salvia
Fireball Marigold
Giant White Moonflower
Giant Lime Zinnia
Velvet N’ Lace Dianthus
Zulu Prince Daisy
This unique daisy has a striking center of dark and fiery colors surrounded by creamy white petals. Does particularly well in warm sunny spots.
Orchid Flame Nasturtium
One of the most unique flowers out there. Blooms start out creamy yellow, but transition to a striking, streaky red later. Even better, they’re edible!
Celestial Color Morning Glory
This mix of morning glory seeds will produce a galaxy of flowers, ranging from white to deep purple. These gorgeous vines grow swiftly! Making a small nick in the seed coat right before planting will help germinate.
Johnny Jump Up Viola
These gorgeous yellow, white, and purple flowers are not only gorgeous, they’re edible! Garnish both your garden and your plate with these.
Blue Boy Cornflower
These fragrant flowers pop in a luxurious bright blue from early summer until frost. Pruning faded flowers encourages more new ones!
Flare Salvia
This red salvia will add vibrant red spikes of flowers into your flower garden. Very attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies!
Fireball Marigold
This amazing marigold lives up to its name. Each plant has fiery blooms with a variety of colors on each individual plant. From reds, to oranges, to golds, this is a marigold worth watching.
Giant Lime Zinnia
These easy to grow flowers produce 4-5 inch flower heads. The rich, bright green color is sure to catch your eye! Good for landscape or cutting and putting into a vase!
Giant White Moonflower
These flowers open in the evening, which makes them the opposite and perfect pairing for the Celestial Morning Glory! Similar to the Morning Glory, these are great vining pollinators. These easy growing flowers are sure to brighten up your evening!
Velvet N’ Lace Dianthus
These bright-eyed and bushy plants repeat their appearance from early spring to frost! They make for beautiful and fragrant bouquets. These hardy deep purple-edged with white ruffles are sure to make a great addition to any flower bed